Hledáme – poradce pro rozvoj
Hledáme: Poradce pro rozvoj – profesionála, který bude prodávat tréninkové programy pro manažery a obchodníky. Budete pracovat se stávajícími klienty
Hledáme: Poradce pro rozvoj – profesionála, který bude prodávat tréninkové programy pro manažery a obchodníky. Budete pracovat se stávajícími klienty
You need to take good care of your most important employees. How does this work in practice? When a sales
The Director Sales of Royal Pine had reasons to celebrate. His long battle with marketing had paid off finally. The
The Trusted Advisor program was designed to increase insight amongst the Philips Service Engineers about their impact and how they
Can you answer these three questions? Have you wondered why an ‘open’ question is called so? Is asking questions part
Looking up over his drink, Paul smiled ruefully. “It is just tough luck, I guess” he declared to Carl, his
“Customers don’t want trucks” said Lucas. Coming from the CEO of TT Trucks (TTT) this was a stunner. “What they
There is no question that successful relationship leaders need to be able to develop relations with senior people in their
Tipy, jak využívat při prodeji firmám LinkedIn: Tip #1: Vytvořte si profesionální profil Prezentujte se jako experti ve svém oboru.
Mi White Paper – Sales Steering- Opportunities And Challenges 1